Session 1: Managing your online presence: getting started!

Reading/watching time: 3 minutes

In the old days, when you meet/interview a new person, you would discover a lot about them by talking. At the end, the the chat, you would exchange business cards. The business card would be your key point of reference for understanding who that person was. It was a static piece of information, crafted by its owner.

Now, after and BEFORE you meet a new person, there is a vas amount of information available online. Some of that information is crafted by that person, some is not.

Remember what is posted on the net is there forever and for anyone to access!

 Think before you post!

 How is your information used?

Watch the video. Source:

Activity: Finding out your own online presence

You need to complete this activity to unlock the next micro skill.

Expected time to complete this activity: 7 minutes

Task: You need to complete an ego search on Google. Search for your 'first name last name' and share your answers on the following items:

Step 1: Check on the first page which links relate to the real you (who checks the second page and beyond???).

Step 2: Identify the links where you own the information so you can craft your online presence. Typically: Facebook, Twitter, and of course LinkedIn. What percentage of the links on the first page of the search do you own?

Step 3: Share your findings with your peers: Post on the Micro Skills Academy - LinkedIn Facebook Group, using the hash tag #onlinepresence.

Complete and Continue